Connect Week
Week 8, Term 2, 2023
12th - 15th June
Connect Week is a chance for teachers to attend a short professional development session of their choice and to connect with teachers from other schools. Principals have agreed to limit other school meetings that week so that the PLD session should replace something else, rather than add to workload.
Registration is essential for these workshops. You may register for as many workshops as you like.
Monday 12th June 2023
Two sessions start at 3:30pm, please be ready 5 min prior.
Strengthening Understanding of Literacy
As part of the NCEA Change Package, new corequisite standards that will directly assess foundational Literacy and Numeracy have been created. These standards will become a mandatory part of NCEA from 2024.
To achieve the NCEA corequisite, learners need to achieve the package of Literacy and Numeracy standards that are worth 20 credits in total. It is mandatory that students gain these, in order to have any other NCEA credits recognised by NZQA.
This workshop will explore the Literacy Co-requisites, and the implications for teaching and learning from ECE - Year 10.
All educators are welcome, including those from contributing ECE, Primary and Intermediate schools.
This session will cover:
- An overview of the Literacy Co-requisites
- Support material to equip teaching staff with rich literacy tasks
- Assessment tools to use to determine readiness
- Examples of what a pathway of readiness might look like
Digital Tools for Literacy: Enhancing Reading and Writing Skills
Participants will be introduced to a diverse range of free online tools that effectively support literacy development.
Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various digital resources and learn how to integrate them seamlessly into their teaching or personal practice, leading to enhanced reading and writing skills. The workshop will provide an overview of the significance of digital tools in supporting literacy development, and ignite thinking about the relevance of digital tools for different age groups and proficiency levels.
Tools that will be explored:
- Websites and apps that offer digital libraries, e-books, and audiobooks.
- Online platforms for collaborative writing, editing, and publishing.
- Interactive websites and apps for improving language skills.
- Digital tools that enhance reading comprehension through interactive activities and quizzes.
The Curriculum Refresh
Janine Higgins
Ministry of Education
Ranzau School
(Please use the church carpark next to the school)
What’s new?
What’s changed?
What’s the timeline?
What do I need to do about it?
Bring both your questions and your positive, future-focused attitude to this workshop.
NCEA Implementation Subject Specific
NCEA Implementation Facilitators
Online Teams Call
Tailored subject-specific support for preparing for the 2024 NCEA Level 1 changes.
In each session, an NCEA Implementation facilitator will provide key information to help secondary teachers in planning their curriculum subject area.
There will also be a following Q & A session where teachers can ask questions and discuss their concerns.
Given the recent English teachers hui, the English subject hui will explore Mātauranga Māori in Level 1 English.
Individual online Teams call for:
- English
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Arts
- PE and Health
Links to these calls will be sent to those who register prior to the call.
If you are planning to join the call as a team, it is still helpful for each teacher to register prior.
Tuesday 13th June 2023
All sessions start at 3:30pm, please be ready 5 min prior.
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Functions of Behaviour
Paul Johnstone
Ministry of Education
Waimea Intermediate Staffroom
Have you ever wondered why we behave the way we do?
This session will explain the “why” of behaviour and give you some tools to make sense of it.
This session is available for teacher aids and teachers for all ages.
Mātauranga Māori in the Science Curriculum
Sivina Jacobs
Tarimano Marae
Drew McGlashen
HoD Science Waimea College
Waimea College Staffroom
Come and hear how Waimea College are working to integrate Matauranga Māori into the science curriculum with a focus on local waterways.
This kaupapa has been guided by Sivina Jacobs, Tarimano Marae and Ngati Rangiwewehi.
NCEA Change Programme 101
Rachel Cookson
Regional NCEA Implementation Facilitator
Garin College Library
This session will cover the Seven NCEA Changes and explore the guiding principles that underpin the changes.
The session will discuss a shifting focus in NCEA Level 1 course design and look at how best to prepare ākonga with foundational subject knowledge.
Wednesday 14th of June 2023
All sessions start at 3:30pm, please be ready 5 min prior.
Learn how to engage Generation Z students - in particular Māori students and whanau - in future focussed education. Janelle will share what works, based on relevant research and also through the story of her own son in the NZ education system.
Computational Thinking is becoming an increasingly important skill in our increasingly digital world. At school computational thinking plays a part in the NZC in both Digital Technologies and Mathematics.
This workshop will give an overview of computational thinking in the Digital Technologies curriculum and how this integrates with Mathematics.
Teachers of all levels welcome. Classroom based content will be most useful for teachers over transition points of Years 5-10.
Year 5 - 8 Literacy
Adie Bonisch
Waimea Intermediate Staffroom
How can we use the High Impact Teaching Strategies to improve literacy teaching?
Does your literacy time and teaching need a lift?
How do you help your students to build their capacity to read a variety of texts?
What do you do with the other students when working with a small group?
This workshop will focus on practical ideas for your literacy teaching and help motivate you and your students.
An Introduction to the English Curriculum Refresh
Janine Higgins
Ministry of Education
Ranzau School
(Please use the church carpark next to the school)
An opportunity to examine the intent, content and structure of the English curriculum refresh. The workshop will explore the Understand, Know, Do statements for the learning phases and make connections to the Literacy and Communication and Mathematics strategy, including the Common Practice Model.
This workshop will be focused on Years 1-10, but Kaiako of Years 11-13 are welcome to come and make connections to their own mahi.
Numeracy - The Final (maybe) Frontier
Robert Wilson
Ministry of Education
Richmond Primary Staffroom
Tracing teaching Numeracy in years 1 - 10, as part of an integrated curriculum using ideas from Numeracy Pedagogies.
Are there ways to use “FREE” programmes to stimulate student interest through electronic medium?
NCEA Implementation Subject Specific
NCEA Implementation Facilitators - Languages
Online Teams Call
Tailored subject-specific support for preparing for the 2024 NCEA Level 1 changes for Languages.
In this session, an NCEA Implementation facilitator will provide key information to help secondary teachers in planning this curriculum subject area.
There will also be a following Q & A session where teachers can ask questions and discuss their concerns.
Links to these calls will be sent to those who register prior to the call.
If you are planning to join the call as a team, it is still helpful for each teacher to register prior.
Thursday 15th June 2023
All sessions start at 3:30pm, please be ready 5 min prior.
ANZH Curriculum Development
Paula Campbell
AST Waimea Kāhui Ako
Waimea College Staffroom
Continuing our understanding of the ANZH, the focus this term will be on developing the local elements of our curriculum. In particular, our use of rohe pūrākau (local iwi stories) and how we can build teaching and learning resources together.
An Introduction to the Maths Curriculum Refresh
An opportunity to examine the intent, content and structure of the maths curriculum refresh. The workshop will explore the Understand, Know, Do statements for the learning phases. In addition to this, the session will be connected to the Literacy and Communication and Mathematics strategy, including the Common Practice Model.