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Connect Week

Week 8, Term 3, 2020

7th - 10th September

Connect Week is a chance for teachers to attend a short professional development session of their choice and to connect with teachers from other schools.  Principals have agreed to limit other school meetings that week so that the PLD session should replace something else, rather than add to workload.

Registration is essential for these workshops.  You may register for as many workshops as you like. 

All workshops will go ahead under Alert Level 2 conditions. 


Numbers have been limited to allow for social distancing at venues.  There will be a paper sign in sheet for contact tracing, hand sanitiser and a QR code for you to record your visit at each venue.

Monday 7th September 2020

All sessions run for one hour, beginning promptly at 3:45pm.

Auditory Skills -Info for Teachers


Donna Madden , Sue Fallow & Helen Talbot



Henley School Library

Auditory issues are often hidden and can be misinterpreted or misunderstood.  This workshop aims to raise awareness of the strengths and difficulties of auditory issues in the classroom, and to provide practical strategies for addressing these.

Māori Flourishing


Joanie Wilson

Ministry of Education

Garin College Library

Do Māori know themselves what Māori Flourishing is?

This is a question I have often been asked and today is an opportunity for me to share my story of what this looks like, feels like, sounds as a local wāhine Māori of colour, with Whakapapa to Te Tau Ihu, Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Ko au te awa, Ko te awa ko au

Etap SMS


Andy McFarlane

Learning Adventures


On-line workshop

Come along to an interactive online session with Andy McFarlane - ETAP NZ Coach who will share his expertise and knowledge of this valuable SMS from his background as a classroom teacher, principal, lecturer and PLD advisor to schools. 

-Finding your way around ETAP- Andy has some helpful hints for you to get the most out of your schools SMS

-Data analysis for classroom teachers  (quick and easy tips) 

Worthwhile Tasks in Mathematics Classrooms


Kevin Hannah

Canterbury University


Waimea Intermediate Library

Aimed at teachers of Years 7-10 but all welcome.

Within the Best Evidence Synthesis of Mathematics, discussions around ‘Worthwhile Tasks’  include points about how effective teachers:

Ø  ensure that all students are given tasks that help them improve their understanding; and

Ø  set tasks that require students to make and test conjectures, pose problems, look for patterns, and explore alternative solution paths.

This workshop includes examples where pre-planned tasks have provided students with these opportunities to engage with mathematics, along with moments when simple tasks have grown a leg. We will explore how we value student-generated methods and how we manage unrehearsed maths problems in our classrooms.

Tuesday 8th September 2020

All sessions run for one hour, beginning promptly at 3:45pm.

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Localising the Curriculum


Nick Major

CORE Education


Garin College Library

Localising a school’s curriculum requires ongoing collaborative development work involving staff over a considerable period of time, as well as being informed by student, whānau and community voice.   The intent of this ‘one-off’ taster session is to offer a helicopter view of key considerations, possible starter ideas and resources that participants might utilise in their schools to begin to discuss and plan how the current school curriculum might be reviewed, strengthened and localised.

Data Driven Assessment


Cathie Johnson


Waimea Intermediate Library

Assessment schedule review: Challenge and support for school leaders, HODs and team leaders. What baseline data do you need to track student progress over their school life? How can you  use your data-snapshot analysis to determine annual goals for the following year and what data should you gather to monitor  goal achievement?

Mathematical Inspirations


Andrew Ricciardi

Waimea College


Waimea College Library

Mathematics teacher and Across School Kāhui Ako Teacher, Andrew Ricciardi will lead this workshop on how to inspire your students (and yourself) with the beauty of Mathematics. This session will look at ideas, strategies and resources for teaching and learning mathematical processes in an ever-changing world.

Aimed at teachers across transition points, Y6-10, however teachers of all levels  are welcome.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder


Kelvin Hardaker



Henley School Staffroom

1. Understanding of autism and supporting students who have autism across all levels.

2. Understanding the importance of visuals as a learning pathway.

3. The 3 ‘P”s. - key support people, key safe places and key processes for student learning

4. Thinking about school-wide systems development around ASD in your school.

Wednesday 9th September 2020

All sessions run for one hour, beginning promptly at 3:45pm.

Learn how to engage Generation Z students - in particular Māori students and whanau - in future focussed education.  Janelle will share what works, based on relevant research and also through the story of her own son in the NZ education system.

Computational Thinking is becoming an increasingly important skill in our increasingly digital world.  At school computational thinking plays a part in the NZC in both Digital Technologies and Mathematics.

This workshop will give an overview of computational thinking in the Digital Technologies curriculum and how this integrates with Mathematics.

Teachers of all levels welcome.  Classroom based content will be most useful for teachers over transition points  of Years 5-10.

Wednesday 9th September 2020

Localising Stories to Support Student Learning Across the Curriculum.



Tom Alesana

Local Iwi

Sivina Jacobs

Director, Taimarino Ltd


Whakatu Marae, Nelson

Full day workshop, at Whakatu Marae, 9am-3pm.  Lunch provided. 
Cost: $70 
Please check with the relevant person at your school that the cost and release is able to be covered before registering for this course

Restorative Practice


Paul Johnstone

MoE PB4L Advisor


Waimea College Library

Relationship First Aid for Life – best practice preventative strategies and a script to restore relationship harm.  Wise words from the experts and an introduction to Restorative Practice.

Engaging Māori Students


Janelle Riki-Waaka

CORE Education


On-line workshop

Learn how to engage Generation Z students - in particular Māori students and whanau - in future focussed education.  Janelle will share what works, based on relevant research and also through the story of her own son in the NZ education system.

Computational Thinking


Karl Summerfield

CORE Education


Waimea Intermediate Library

Computational Thinking is becoming an increasingly important skill in our increasingly digital world.  At school computational thinking plays a part in the NZC in both Digital Technologies and Mathematics.

This workshop will give an overview of computational thinking in the Digital Technologies curriculum and how this integrates with Mathematics.

Teachers of all levels welcome.  Classroom based content will be most useful for teachers over transition points  of Years 5-10.

Universal Design for Learning


Tash & Leanne



Henley School Library

Learner variability is a reality to be acknowledged, planned for and celebrated in education today. UDL (Universal Design for Learning) gives us a framework to support teachers to meet the needs of all learners.  Classrooms hold expert knowledge and when we tap into the wisdom of our students we can plan to help them achieve better outcomes. This workshop will introduce the concept of UDL, its guiding principles and resources.

Supporting the wellbeing of schools and communities


Ara Simmons



Garin College Library

Being able to experience high-quality connections and the opportunity to belong offer us protective factors that can support our mental health and wellbeing. In this experiential session, you will be invited to bring along your curiosity and openness to this kōrero style experience to strengthen your understanding of high-quality connections, and the promise of what this can hold for the diverse communities we are all part of. 

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